Research projects 2024-2025
AI in the Street, a scoping study supported BRAID/UKRI with Dr. Louise Hickman (Cambridge), and PI Prof Noortje Marres (Warwick) and Dr Alex Taylor (Edinburgh)
Decision-making with AI in connected places and cities (AI@Cam, University of Cambridge, UK) PI: Prof Jennifer Schooling; Dr Kwadwo Oti-Sarpong.
Ganesh, MI (Forthcoming 2025) Auto-Correct: The fantasies and failures of AI, Ethics, and Driverless Cars. ArtEZ Press.
Hollanek, T and Ganesh, MI (November 2024) Easy wins and low hanging fruit: Blueprints, toolkits, and playbooks to advance diversity and inclusion in AI in J Neves and M Steinberg (Eds) TOD#54 In/Convenience: Inhabiting the Logistical Surround. pp 162-175. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures.
Ganesh, MI (2024) Epistemic infrastructures of moral decision-making in the ethics of autonomous driving. In C. Borch & J. P. Pardo-Guerra (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Machine Learning. Oxford University Press.
Ganesh, MI (2023) The ethical apparatus: The material-discursive shaping of ethics, autonomy, and the driverless car. Leuphana University Lüneburg. Published doctoral thesis.
Ganesh, MI and Nyrup, R (2022) Cultural work in ‘AI Ethics and Society’ pedagogy: Some early reflections (link to PDF of paper) At the AI Cultures workshop, Neurips 2022.
Ganesh MI (2022) What is the autonomous vehicle? In Proof of Stake: Claims to Technology. A Book of Organizational Objects by Timon Beyes, Robin Holt, and Claus Pias (Eds) Oxford: Oxford University. Available here.
Ganesh, MI (2022) Between metaphor and meaning: AI and being human. Interactions 29, 5 (September – October 2022), 58–62.
Ganesh MI & Moss E (2022). Resistance and refusal to algorithmic harms: Varieties of ‘knowledge projects.’ Media International Australia.
Talat, Z, Blix, H, Valvoda, J, Ganesh, MI, Cotterell, R, Williams, A (2022) A word on machine ethics. A response to Jiang et al. (2021). A rebuttal to Delphi, a natural language processing project to model abilities and limitations of automated moral decision-making.
Ganesh, MI (2020) The ironies of autonomy. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 7, 157 (2020).
Ganesh MI Dechesne F, Waseem Z (2020) Two computer scientists and a cultural scientist get hit by a driver-less car: A method for situating knowledge in the cross-disciplinary study of F-A-T in machine learning. Conference Proceedings: ACMFAT* ’20: ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, January 27-30, 2020, Barcelona, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1 page. (Translation tutorial)
Ganesh MI (2019) The difference that difference makes, a comment on C. Ernst, J. Schröter, and A. Sudmann, ‘AI and the Imagination to Overcome Difference’, in Spheres: The Spectre of AI, Issue #5. Leuphana University. (Journal comment + guest editing)
Ganesh MI (2017) Entanglement: Machine Learning and Human Ethics in Driverless Car Crashes In APRJA:Machine Research, Vol 6, Issue 1, 2017. CU Andersen & G Cox (Eds). ISSN 2245-7755
Ganesh, MI, Deutsch, J., Schulte, J (2016) Privacy, visibility, anonymity: Dilemmas in tech use by marginalised communities. Making All Voices Count (Eds) Brighton. IDS.
Ganesh MI (2011) Pulp Frictions In Law Like Love: Queer Perspectives on the Law, A Narrain & A Gupta (Eds) , New Delhi, Yoda.
Bhattacharjya M, Ganesh MI (2011) Negotiating intimacy and harm: female internet users in Mumbai, India In Erotics: Sex, rights and the internet. J SM Kee, K Fialova, CG Ramilo (Eds) for the Women’s Rights Program, Association for Progressive Communications.