The Trentino Brief is a new, growing container for writing, projects, and works-in-progress (mine and other people’s) about how what we understand as knowledge-production and its institutions are changing through the emergence of AI technologies. Early work was supported by a Scientist-in-Residence program at ZKM, Karlsruhe (Spring 2022) as part of their Driving the Human project, an invited keynote talk for Bard College’s Experimental Humanities Research Network kick-off workshop (Summer 2022), and research in 2023. You can read the first part of this here.
My intellectual journey has been variegated, moving from civil society to academia, and with a foot in cultural writing and advising; and observing along the way how knowledge practices are fetishised, ignored, valourised, or hyped. I approach data and AI as epistemic technologies, and am interested in how collective and institutional practices for teaching and learning about technology and society sit alongside the claims made about how AI works in pedagogy and education. Teaching and co-developing the master’s in AI Ethics & Society to working professionals from a range of disciplines and sectors has also been a significant influence on this work.